Yu Lei

Senior Undergraduate, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

I am a senior undergraduate student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Currently, I am fortunate to work with Prof.Zhuowen Tu as a research intern at UCSD. I also work with Prof.Zhijie Deng as an undergraduate researcher at Qing Yuan Reseach Institute. Previously, I was privileged to start to learn the beautiful computer vision under the guidance of Prof.Bingbing Ni at SJTU Vision and Learning Lab.

If there is any idea that you would like to bounce off, please do not hesitate to contact me! Also, I would really like to dicuss anything about research, life, and ourselves.

I am actively applying for a Ph.D. position in 2025 Fall!

Research interest

My research interests mainly lie in Embodied intelligence,Cognitive Science. And I work with representation learning,computer vision,robotics.

I am especially interested in understanding human intelligence and creating amazing AI that can percept, reason about and interact with the physical world. My goal is to transfer this knowledge to machines, aiming to build interactive machines that can help us explore physical world and expand our boundaries of perception, decision and action.

Publications and preprints

Advancing Text-to-3D Generation with Linearized Lookahead Variational Score Distillation
Yu Lei, Bingde Liu, Qingsong Xie, Zhijie Deng
Under Review
Bayesian Diffusion Model for 3D Shape Reconstruction
Yu Lei*, Haiyang Xu*,Zeyuan Chen,Xiang Zhang,Yue Zhao,Yilin Wang, Zhuowen Tu
CVPR, 2024
project page / arXiv / code
Bayesian Exploration of Pre-trained Models for Low-shot Image Classification
Yibo Miao, Yu Lei, Feng Zhou, Zhijie Deng
CVPR, 2024
FocalDreamer:Text-driven 3D Editing via Focal-fusion Assembly
Yuhan Li, Yishun Dou, Yue Shi, Yu Lei, Xuanhong Chen, Yi Zhang, Peng Zhou, Bingbing Ni
AAAI, 2024
project page / arXiv / code